301 Anthes Ave, Langley   WA  98260
PO Box 374 -- MAiling address
Worship at 10am

Pastor John Tucker
Office open 9 till 2, Tues thru fri

Worship in Person at 10am in the Sanctuary

We offer the option to connect with our worship  virtually as well. Our worship service is live-steamed on Facebook (click here). Fellowship following worship up in the Fellowship Hall. Join us for coffee and a treat.  

Open Table ~11 till 1pm every Monday in the Fellowship Hall

Come enjoy  soup and community, donations welcome but not necessary!

Statement of Inclusion
As a reconciling congregation we invite and welcome persons of every age, gender identity, sexual  orientation, racial or ethnic background, marital, social or economic status, physical or mental ability, political affiliation or military status into the full participation in the life of this faith community.

Our Mission
The mission of Langley United Methodist Church is to be active followers of Jesus on a journey of love through our commitment to being a presence of welcome, justice, and joy for all people.